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Mar 7, 20162 min read
'In a way it would be unkind to put him on trial' – Hitchens on Blair
When Peter Hitchens came to the University of Lincoln last Monday, I spent a good two hours hearing him speak about a range of issues –...

Dec 4, 20153 min read
As the UK extends a foreign war, the Labour Party ignites an internal one
While the House of Commons was voting to bomb Daesh in Syria on that late Wednesday night, it seems as though the Labour party was also...

Jul 25, 20153 min read
Why the Labour leadership battle has been like adding a bath bomb to dish water
This Labour leadership contest is getting rather exciting and colourful all of a sudden. Well, comparatively so anyway. Because up until...

May 22, 20153 min read
Reflecting on a night I will, most certainly, never forget
This time a fortnight ago, the country was trying to get to grips with just how the Conservatives had managed to put together an overall...

Apr 2, 20152 min read
ITV leaders' debates previews
Getting underway very shortly is the second round of TV election debates. Last week, David Cameron and Ed Miliband appeared on Channel 4...

Sep 17, 20142 min read
Scotland decides
The ante has been well and truly upping over the last couple of weeks over the issue of Scottish Independence. The cases for and against...

May 28, 20145 min read
Report from the Newark by-election hustings
Last night, I attended a hustings event for the Newark parliamentary by-election. The by-election will be held on Thursday 5th June and...
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